This version is only for use with Netscape browsers version >= 4.06
on all platforms but Macintosh. The reason for this is that earlier versions
of Netscape has an incomplete java-runtime (and ALL versions of Netscape
on Macintosh has the same incomplete java-version).
Also note that if you loaded an unsigned (or older) version of MindTerm previously
in this instance of Netscape you might have to restart Netscape to make that version
go away from memory (it is sometimes not enough to clear disk/memory-cache!!!)
otherwise you'll end up with running an unsigned/old copy anyway.
When the applet pops up it will ask you to grant permissions to access the network
and your local file-system. This is because the signed version of MindTerm is
just like the stand-alone (or any other ssh-client) in that it will want to
connect to any host on the network, listen on local ports, and access local
files. If you don't trust it to be safe, don't grant file-access, you can still
use it fully, though you can't save/load settings or 'known_hosts'
If you have problems with the applet, please report Netscape version and OS
platform you are running on so I can keep a list of "working configurations".